Guest Artist Recital: Mission Winds of the USAF B和 of the West


晚上7:30 - 9:30

纽曼中心 for the Performing 艺术, Hamilton Hall

观众: 校友,  现在的学生,  教师、  的家庭,  邻居或朋友,  未来的学生,  工作人员


Hailing from the United States Air Force B和 of the West in San Antonio, 德州, Mission Winds is a clarinet quartet devoted to excellence in performance 和 musical outreach throughout the Southern United States. As a military music ensemble, Mission Winds seeks to serve diverse communities of all ages by providing engaging concerts 和 educational outreach from the concert hall to the classroom.

Mission Winds honors our veterans, 激励公众, 和 connects with communities through their performances at a variety of events such as military 和 civic ceremonies, public outreach 和 school concerts. The group supports music education through clinics 和 master classes to elementary through college-aged students 和 presents performance tours throughout 德州, 俄克拉何马州, 路易斯安那州, 密西西比州, 阿拉巴马州, 乔治亚州, 佛罗里达, 和波多黎各. Mission Winds have performed at various high schools, 小学, 中学, 大学, 和 have been featured at the 德州 Music Educators Association conventions, benefiting both the students 和 performers.

The members of Mission Winds bring to the United States Air Force many years of professional experience with symphony orchestras, 室乐团, 旅游节目, 和 today's popular artists.